In this series of short films, artists invited us into their studios to show us work and life under lockdown.

Rebecca Loweth Lincolnshire Lockdown @rebeccaloweth

Stephen Bell What in heaven’s name have I done? @1stephenbell

Dunhill and O’Brien Contrapposto @dunhillandobrien2

Chris Shaw Hughes Sites of Trauma @chrisshawhughes

Reynir Hutber Sleep is work @reynir_hutber

Victoria Arney France Rural Studio @victoriaarney

Éilis Kirby Locked Down at Home 2020 @eakpress

John Plowman In the JPStudio today @johnnyplow

The Lake Twins Separate in Place Together in Mind @thelaketwins

Andro Semeiko Andro in Isolation @androsemeiko

Patrice Moor The Presence of Absence @patrice.moor